Friday, May 29, 2009


So... this is a perfect timing for this post, since my baby's 2nd birthday is coming next week!
I have a ton of pictures from baby Angie and I lost another ton when my desktop computer broke, so even when I was the one taking her pictures most of the time, and she was the one looking gorgeous and I was the one looking awful or just waking up in the morning... I will try to find the better looking ones :)

These are some of my favorites:
She was about 3 months old here, look at that tiny little thing, how I miss those times :'(
And look and her hair! It took a long time to get it down xD

She started making that wrinkly nose right before her mommy came for her and it was all her and her happiness.

This is christmas 2007, with matching hats

She used to loved those bells so I used to take her to the door and make them sound for her.

visiting grandma and hanging out with cousin Diego

Here's my cutie

I think I look like a momma in this one lol!
I miss my baby!!

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