So I just want to wish everyone who read this a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I am not even so sure if anybody reads anything from my blog but anyway... It's christmas time and everybody should have the best of times.
Well. tomorrow as every year we will be meeting my dad's family for a Christmas lunch, it is actually the same food we all have at Christmas dinner so we have a double super meal that day.
This year this reunion almost doesn't happen, some of my dad's brothers and sisters are not in Guatemala. We never have had the party at my house (though my dad would die for it) because we live in a small apartment and in the fourth floor, so obviously there would be no room for the almost 30 getting together to eat and "share".
To be honest we have never got along very well with them or we never felt that way. Most of the times my family and I sit by ourselves in a table until it ends. Of course once in a while someone sits with us asks how we are doing and leaves. It is not really fun. I guess the reason is that we hardly see each other during the year. And so we don't have many things in common.
They all are wealthy people, really like to party and travel with their wealthy friends.
We are not poor but just don't have that much money. We party but just differently, it doesn't haveinvolve alcohol :S theirs do. Most guatemalans think that parties MUST have alcohol or otherwise it just won't be good. It is sad. Of course you can have fun without being drunk! I guess it's a cultural thing and usually rich people parties have lots of alcohol. Sad thing isn't?
Well after that my family and I will be heading to my grandma's house and spend the rest of the evening there. Singing karaoke!!! yeah!
Anyway have a great day with your loved ones!! Merry Christmas
This other picture is the next day at my grandma's house, this is my mom and my cousin C. She is a year younger than me and we always have a great time singing and just girl talking! ha! As this was the Real Christmas day we got Angelina this gorgeous red dress. She looked so beautiful! She was tired that day and went to sleep at 8pm. I was constantly checking on her because I thought she would wake up at any time because of the noise of people and the fireworks. But she was sound asleep! My sweet perfect baby!
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