Wednesday, July 1, 2009

They finally got the dresses!

Remember the pretty dress we sent for my baby girl a few weeks ago?!
They finally got them! I was seriously starting to think they would never get them but I guess our mail does work! ... kind of in slow motion but works!
Her mommy sent us some super cute pics of Angie holding her dress with a huge smile on her face!
And in one of the videos she says "Thank you.... pretty dress.... love you.... byebye!"
She can melt my heart every time!

Oh and I did great on my lab today! Wohoo! I was kind of worried about that because about midnight my eyes started to hurt so I decided to take "a half an hour nap" that lasted until 5am!! LOL
I should have learned by now that those naps never work... well hardly ever work.

School officially started today for everyone, I never had any vacation except for the official holidays. Swine flu is still around there, still spreading but it doesn't seem to be a priority.
No news in the Rosenberg thing, the CICIG is working on it despite every obstacle.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you received pictures of baby Angelina!

Study hard but have lots of fun!