Saturday, July 25, 2009

Update on the sick family

Well, guess what? they are all feeling better now!
My mom did have some very bad couple of days where she didn't even leave her room for more than 10 min and then head back to bed. She even said her sight was blurry at what point, probably from the fever... poor mommy.
Meanwhile I had to catch on with all the chores around, even cooking, something in which I have no talent at all, well my sister did help with the food, though she dissapeared the minute I mentioned dirty dishes. (typical!)
Well, my mom and brother do have a little cough still, Oh! and I remain virus free! woohoo! the least of things I need now is a cold... especially one like what they had. They had "influeza A" and not the H1N1... thank goodness!
Mom is back and so far we put ourselves into sterilize the house. Bad news is my dad is home and not feeling so good, aparently he catched a cold in Xela though it's not near to what my mom and brother had.
We read in the paper that a lady who's daughter had the H1N1 took her to one of the national hospitals to get her treatment and the guards in the front door didn't even let her in because their are not treating the virus unless the patient had another serious health condition besides the H1N1!! I mean.... what??? They say there is not enough medicine... then we are lucky that we haven't had rain lately... I can't even imagine what is going to happen when rain comes and the disease increases!
UPDATED: I just heard in the news that there are 7 people death from the swine flu in the last few days. There are 458 cases in Guate, and over 200 cases were reported in Guate city.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of swine flu there!!! I think in our town we had 58 cases.

I'm glad everyone's is feeling better in your family!