Friday, August 29, 2008

In memory of I... HATE...and YOU

Well, I want to make this post to remember my three little ones... I, HATE and YOU... my three little chicken who I took care for 9 days.
It all started with an experiment we were asked to make in as part of the Fisiology class (I have no idea if it is called that way in English... anyway) all of the members of my group own dogs, cats or other pets... even ducks. We are about 15 people in this class, 12 of us are in the same group, half of the group were smart enough to choose the gold fish we also had to experiment with... I forgot to mention this was even before the exams week came... so everyone in the group said their pets were going to kill the chicken... to be honest I am not an animal lover, niether is my family plus we live in a small apartment in a fourh floor so... believe me there is not enough space for any kind of pet here PLUs we are barely home and everyone is just so busy with their own concerns that we even eat at different times.
At the end I could not find a way to convince them and I had to take care of the chicken for a week that could turn into 2 weeks... and give two of them daily testoterone shots!
Let me tell you people this chick ate all the time and pooped every 3 minutes!
I took care of them fairly well... they were fat and strong by the end of the week and every one in my family was in love with them... I kind of ended up loving them too.
I had to let them go... but we missed them the first few days. They are with other farm animals now. I might post a picture of them later.... by now I have to go to a mom and daughter day out! finally! a break from school which i skipped today! ha!

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