Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving day

To all my american friends reading this blog, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Guate but what better day to be thankful for friendship and all the blessings in our lives?! Of course we have to be thankful everyday.
Well, the days when we stuff ourselves with delicious food are coming so I'm just going to be patient... I already have a few more pounds on me so...

We had another earthquake today... God! It was soooo scary!! I know I always say that but this one was really terrible! My mom was so close to a panic attack, I was on the verge of tears and we were about to run down stairs and out of the building when it stopped.
According to the news it was 6 degrees in the Richter scale and happened in El Salvador, though we could feel it in many places here.
There were reports of material damages in houses and buildings but no one got hurt, thank goodness.

My grandma is back from her trip, she's very happy, had a great time and came back with lots of funny stories to tell, believe me they are all very special. It's great that she got to be with her brothers and sisters, she hardly ever sees them, specially sinces my great-grandma passed a couple of years ago. We've got to make this kind of reunions more often!

We got to skype with "sweetpea" (Angelina decided that is her new name) and her family. We got to meet her aunt and uncle, her grandma and our dear friend Joan were there too. Andrea and Angelina are so cute! Andrea showed us her pink skates and Angelina just wanted to sing the "monkey's song" and jump in her trampolin. Truly adorable.
I am thankful for Angelina, for her wonderful family, for getting to see her grow up and just know how loved she is and how happy she is with her family. We sure miss her a lot, and think about her everyday, but we know she is doing great. And that brings peace to our minds and hearts.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

holiday season!

Yes, holiday season has officialy started in Guate, Christmas decorations everywhere, the Arbol Gallo lights up every night and Avenida Reforma too, it has been like that for 24 years now, its a tradition that started in Guate City and now is done all around the country. We even have a Chirstmas parade today, not that we are going to watch it, it's a little bit far from home.

We are having GORGEOUS weather, and I can't believe how fast time passes! It's my grandma's birthday today but she went away in a trip to her home town, to celebrate with her twin sister, more sisters, nephews and nieces who live there and we hardly ever see. It's hard for her to leave like this, she doesn't like to leave her house and the students living there are still going to school and she doesn't have a rest until they are gone. Anyway, I will have to stay at her house until she comes back, that's next wednesday, I am the only one who doesn't have anything better to do :s haha Oh well... I am armed with my laptop and books and TV and that will have to do.
Oh and cousin Brandon's 14th birthday was yesterday, we didn't see him all day but we sent him his present and they (his brother and my brother) headed to the mall to buy more Yu-gi-oh! (or however that is spelled?) cards for their collection.
We had pizza and ice cream cake last night, it was yummie and we had a good time. I have no picture since my sister took the camera :(

BUT... we got pictures from Angie's mom a few days ago, their 09 Christmas pics, both girls looked beautiful in their dresses and hair bows! Goodness I love them to death! I'm leaving you with my fav pic of the bunch!


p.s. I have a new nephew! he was born on wednesday o thursday, not sure :s he's name is Javier (everyone calls him Javi!) he's really big and and beautiful! When did I stop having cousins and start having nieces and nephews??!! (sigh...)


Friday, November 6, 2009

feeling the winter

winter is showing its face around here. It's been a few days now with rain, cold, clouds, you know, that kind of day when all you want is to stay in bed all warm and cozy. Not my kind of weather really, this year has been pretty hot, the rainy season is coming waayy late. It means we are using sweaters, scarf, boots or sneakers, I even wore gloves yesterday... GLOVES!! and I am Miss I.Always.wear.Sandals for Christ sake!
Anyway, we did have a couple of hours of sunshine today, then the rain came back :( , this is all because of a hurricane near Nicaragua that is now heading north. They said in the news the rain will be over by the 10th and then we can expect more cold. Great! ¬¬

I got a call from the call center I was trying to work for, they wanted to hire me!! too bad the schedules they were offering were way different from the times my mom can drive me. And as dangerous as it has been around lately, I rather stay home with no money but safe. I mean seriously, there have been attacks to police cars and 17 to 20 people are killed every day due to violence. I had to say no.

News from the US, little Angie, my sweet girl, it's going to school now with her sister. Her mommy told us that according to her teacher, Miss Megan (she has mentioned her on skype talks), she is the smartest in her group and is really good paying attention in class and follows instructions very well! Believe me she is sooo smart, I mean she had words at 9 months old! and at age 2 she has 4 and 5 words sentences! God I love this child to pieces.
We get to see both babies every friday now, which is great, though within a week there is not much to talk about, our life is not that exciting. lol!

Have a great week!



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the pics... finally

I am so sorry it took me so long to upload the pics, I've been using the laptop lately and I have no pics or anything there yet.

I'll let the pics do all the talking and show the fun. I'm doing a double post and I'm adding pics from my night out last week and some from November 1st, when we celebrate "Dia de todos los Santos". Families gather, visit the graveyards to put flowers to their gone loved ones and eat Fiambre a delicious dish with all kinds of ingredients and it's yummie!!
For some reason some pics are a little grainy but I think they do the job...

Now, here are some pics of November 1st at my grandma's. I have no pics of the graveyard because my sister took the camera, we went there on the 31st because it gets way too crowded on the 1st, even if it was a day before the holiday there was a lot of peoples and flowers where everywhere, pretty nice! Abuelita Mary made a beautiful flower arrangement for my uncle's grave.

we had a little photoshoot right before eating, we are all so grown up! He looks so proud!

Abuelito Tuti ROCKS!!


a close-up to the Fiambree! DELICIOUS!

we really enjoyed the time together, we bought this Fiambre from my uncle's mother in law. My grandma used to make it herself but it takes time and money to accomplish this.

with our bellies FULL!


"little" Max being funny ¬¬

sipping some "playa azul" - those were good!


I don't know about you but I think the waiters shirt's were AWFUL!!!

I think we look cute in this one, I love the blouse I was wearing (thanks daddy!)

Can you tell we were having fun??!!

cute gurls!! Those drinks are "sex in the beach"... what a name!

After four rounds of drinks and food, we headed (well not all of us, just me and 3 more girls) to Ana Lucia's house for a sleep-over night. I wont post any pics of that since all the glamour was gone and we just chatted until 3 am. My mom showed up at 8:30 am when we were just waking up... the woman can live without me lol... we are inseparable.

Hope you liked them!

