Friday, April 17, 2009

Favorite Foto Friday - WET!

What a perfect timing for this theme, we are enjoy some nice summer time here in Guate. Man! its HOT around here!
Here are some pictures from our recent vacation to El Puerto San José, on this past Holy Week.
We went to this pool in the military base and airport my grandpa works for. He is a meteorologist there. So you can have fun in the pool area while yo see some planes landing or some soldiers during their parachuting training!

Now on to the pics...
We were not exactly all wet 'cause we decided to take some tanning time by the pool after we swam a little :)

can you see that belly pouting out? I gained 2 pounds that week... :(


Sarah said...

I see no belly! Cute pool pics!

Misty McKibben-Melvin said...

I am so happy to have come across your blog!! I love reading about Guatemala, as my little cutie is from there!!! Blessings!!!

Melinda said...

So glad you joined in this week! Your pics are great...and WHAT belly?!


Misty McKibben-Melvin said...

So Eva....are Lyza's curls typical of any region in Guatemala???? I'm SOOO trying to figure it out!!!

THANKS for your compliments!! I appreciate it!