Wednesday, November 19, 2008

quest for my first job

since i will have free time next year I am trying to find a job to help out my family and to finally become a little more independent from my mom and dad... i feel like this is a must for my right now because i failed and that means that not only i failed myself but i failed to my parents, to my family and they are the most important thing in the world to me,
So in a way to redime myself and to be finally able to buy some stuff for me without asking my dad for money will be a tremendous step for me.
This year has been rough on my family and me starting to work could be a huge help for all of us, so i will do my best to find something.
I am trying at call centers because they are the new thing in Guatemala, there are lots of them and they dont ask for much to hire people, i think my english is not bad so im giving it a try. If I make it i will be earning aroun Q.4000 a month and believe me that its waayyy more than I ever expected to have in my hands!
Wish me luck if you are reading this and if you can leave a comment about my english it will be truly appreciated!

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