Saturday, October 11, 2008

catching up 1st part - School

so from the 100 pts post, there has not been a lot going on, so i will only post the highlights of this few weeks. First of all I have been studying hard for the last points I could get, believe me even a 0.1 can mean that your whole year was a waste and you will have to repeat that class another time.
I have a hard task ahead, and I am willing to do anything I can to beat it and get to my 3rd year in med school, I know I repeat this in almost every single post but it is the most important thing in my mind right now!
And talking about studies I did great in my last Anatomy test, well in my last 2 labs and in the big test. It took me and my lab partners to buy and expensive cake and take one of the drs. to drink as much beers as he wanted.
I have to say that at the end he was kind of hiting on all the girls of the class but well, we did get our 2 points. God bless him and his drunkness hahaaha

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