Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here we go again

Tomorrow another manifestation will take place, same place, same time, hopefully a lot more people!
The manifestation from last weekend was historical, never in the history of Guate so many people has gather demanding justice even when we have lived in the same impunity situation almost since democracy started.
And so we went from bad to worst with the same attitude we've been having for centuries. Bending our knees and turning away our heads unless violence hits very close to our hearts and homes. All of it is finally ending and in the past week we have since at least one protest per day!

Seems like we finally had enough! People is rising, specially the youth.
This makes me sooo happy! I know this thought has been in a lot of minds here, we want a better Guatemala, for ourselves, for our children. We are now fighting for it.

I truly enjoyed last Sunday, I felt truly happy and just watching those thousands of people united for our beloved Guatemala. I had tears in my eyes when we sang our national hymn, more than 35,000 people singing their hearts out! Unbelievable!
We were sunburned and we are still pealing off some skin but we are sooo there tomorrow!


Danny and Brittney said...

Oh Eva, we continue to pray for Guatemala. Something has to be done. Be careful! We will pray for your safety and for this to all end soon.

Michael - Ann Arbor, MI. USA said...

Please update us. I'm very anxious to read your comments on the protest. I have found it very interesting to read the change in your blog and how a "happy go lucky" med students turns to activist to defend her dream of her country. I have a connection to the Lake Attilan region and a med student from San Pedro about your age.
I hope the best for you and your country in these trying times.
Be well!