Friday, December 5, 2008

First job...NOT

Well as I said in my last post, I started looking for a job.... like almost a month ago, and I did actually send my resume to 6 different places, 3 of them didn't work because everytime I e-mailed it, it just kept coming back, so I just gave up with them... the other 3, one of them didn't call back but I did have 2 calls back from the other places, (they were all call centers by the way).
I sent my resume after giving it a lot of thought and because as usual I was very busy. Everything seem to be doing very well, with those two they were actually the ones I thought were the best and the most likely to hire me. My english seems to be good enough for them, my english interviews went really well and they seemed interested in meeting me and to be honest I had practiced in my mind many times before my speech. HA!
At the end the schedules were just not what I was looking for, just too many hours and though I will have much more free time next year doesn't mean that I can neglect my studies. I have had a couple of bumps in the road to becoming a dr. but neither of them has stop me and nothing else will.
My mom and I decided we should leave the job thing for later on in the year 'cause we might be having a vacation trip in a few weeks! yeiiii I am really looking forward to go to the beach!! white sand! the sea.. the sun...(sigh) :)

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