Exactly, I've been on vacation since last friday, and somehow I managed to stay away from the computer until last tuesday, a new record for me... WOOHOO! I came back to find a few post on my facebook wall asking where I was and if I was still alive or away on a trip hehe that is not a good sign... means I spend too much time there.... it's just so much fun! haha
Well.... though we had planned going to Petén or Panajachel (lake Atitlán), it hasn't happened yet! both places are probably full of people, but hey... you got to get out at least for a bit right? we all want to go to Pana though, we've been to Petén way to many times and just to imagine how hot it must be there makes me start sweating! ugh!
Anyway... we've been relaxing at home... cleaning (my mom freaks out because the puppy its messing with her clean floors... it drives her crazy... as you might have guessed he's not 'potty trained' yet and every morning there's poop and pee somewhere, exactly why I kept telling my sister a dog was not a good idea for this small apartment, we adore him anyway, he's just sooo cute and funny!) visiting grandma, having fun with my little cousins Diego and Mariana, speaking of them, they are both such big kids, they look older than what they are and incredibly intelligent! it's amazing.
We haven't gone to see any procesions, maybe this weekend, every time we try to leave the house it's like hell because most of the streets and avenues are closed, either because of the procesion or people making rugs! a drive that usually takes about 20 min or less can take about an hour if you're lucky.
I haven't read anything for school... I really don't want to right now... hehe
We got an email from Angelina's mom saying my baby girl has been asking for us! How sweet is that???? AND my mom had just had a dream about Angelina that same day, she was very emotional about it. We think about her and her family everyday but it's hard now to get on the computer on time for the skype call with school and all! We'll figure out a way to talk to her this week!
Weather has been great, a little bit too HOT, but still nice, blue skies and flowers everywhere, what a nice time!
If we do leave, I promise I'll take a lot of pictures!
Well.... though we had planned going to Petén or Panajachel (lake Atitlán), it hasn't happened yet! both places are probably full of people, but hey... you got to get out at least for a bit right? we all want to go to Pana though, we've been to Petén way to many times and just to imagine how hot it must be there makes me start sweating! ugh!
Anyway... we've been relaxing at home... cleaning (my mom freaks out because the puppy its messing with her clean floors... it drives her crazy... as you might have guessed he's not 'potty trained' yet and every morning there's poop and pee somewhere, exactly why I kept telling my sister a dog was not a good idea for this small apartment, we adore him anyway, he's just sooo cute and funny!) visiting grandma, having fun with my little cousins Diego and Mariana, speaking of them, they are both such big kids, they look older than what they are and incredibly intelligent! it's amazing.
We haven't gone to see any procesions, maybe this weekend, every time we try to leave the house it's like hell because most of the streets and avenues are closed, either because of the procesion or people making rugs! a drive that usually takes about 20 min or less can take about an hour if you're lucky.
I haven't read anything for school... I really don't want to right now... hehe
We got an email from Angelina's mom saying my baby girl has been asking for us! How sweet is that???? AND my mom had just had a dream about Angelina that same day, she was very emotional about it. We think about her and her family everyday but it's hard now to get on the computer on time for the skype call with school and all! We'll figure out a way to talk to her this week!
Weather has been great, a little bit too HOT, but still nice, blue skies and flowers everywhere, what a nice time!
If we do leave, I promise I'll take a lot of pictures!