Friday, July 31, 2009

Girls Night Out

A few fridays ago, I had a night out with my friends from high school. I have known them from 6th grade, when we moved to the city. I was eleven years old and now I'm 21! We've been friends for 10 years!
We don't see each other very often since got out of school, but every time we get together for a birthday or whatever we have a blast... It is very very hard to get our whole group to be in the same place at the same time. Luckily my friend Fallon offered her house (she calls it house... we call it mansion) for the meeting... so we could stay over to sleep... her parents and most of her siblings are away in Spain!
0ne thing I know for sure... we are BFF!!

We talked about a lot of things, like who has kids.... who's married... (OMG! can you believe that?), our teachers, boyfriends (I am not included in that but still like to hear about it lol)... school... anyway, girl talk. We had a LOT of FUN!

on to the pics!
Here I am, pretending to play the guitar... and loving it!

Yep... there were cards games and music and drinks and pizza!
(don't worry... all of those bottles where there just to be looked at!)
Oh and Rita and Nadyesdha are not in this pic...

Meet our friend... Mr. Chile! The only "man" around!

Jumping in Fallon's trampolin in our PJs after breakfast... So much fun!

The view from the house' backyard. Lovely isn't?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Update on the sick family

Well, guess what? they are all feeling better now!
My mom did have some very bad couple of days where she didn't even leave her room for more than 10 min and then head back to bed. She even said her sight was blurry at what point, probably from the fever... poor mommy.
Meanwhile I had to catch on with all the chores around, even cooking, something in which I have no talent at all, well my sister did help with the food, though she dissapeared the minute I mentioned dirty dishes. (typical!)
Well, my mom and brother do have a little cough still, Oh! and I remain virus free! woohoo! the least of things I need now is a cold... especially one like what they had. They had "influeza A" and not the H1N1... thank goodness!
Mom is back and so far we put ourselves into sterilize the house. Bad news is my dad is home and not feeling so good, aparently he catched a cold in Xela though it's not near to what my mom and brother had.
We read in the paper that a lady who's daughter had the H1N1 took her to one of the national hospitals to get her treatment and the guards in the front door didn't even let her in because their are not treating the virus unless the patient had another serious health condition besides the H1N1!! I mean.... what??? They say there is not enough medicine... then we are lucky that we haven't had rain lately... I can't even imagine what is going to happen when rain comes and the disease increases!
UPDATED: I just heard in the news that there are 7 people death from the swine flu in the last few days. There are 458 cases in Guate, and over 200 cases were reported in Guate city.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swine Flu???

last weekend, I met with some friends from high school for a sleepover. I had a blast but was completely exhausted by the time my mom picked me up. After I ate some lunch my mom informed me my brother is sick with a bad cold and has been running a fever and shows signs of a developing cough, even feeling that bad he insists he has to go to the movies with his friends t0 watch the latest Harry Potter movie. (which in his opinion sucks... I haven't seen it so I can't say)

We picked him up from the movies and his cough is a lot worse and he is NOT feeling good. We got him some meds and went to bed... next day he has a very HIGH fever and all of the symptoms are still there plus a headache! Now, all of this is not any good since his school suspended classes for a week after they found out there was a kid infected with the A H1N1!!!
Next thing we know my mom is sick too.... headache, her throat hurting, cough, fever... she didn't let the cold to throw her in bed, but I can tell she is not feeling very good.

Then today, while my mom was taking me and my sister to university (my sister started just a couple of weeks ago and we are thrilled!) she complained of a bad headache! 3 hours later she called asking my mom to pick her up as soon as possible because she was feeling miserable with a headache. She vomited twice, fell asleep as soon as we got home and woke up with a fever. (yikes!)

Me?? So far so good. I don't have one sigle symptom as for right now... we'll see tomorrow morning.... I know I am going to get it... no matter how far away I stay from them or how many times I wash my hands.... (sigh)..... at least my lab is done already (and I think I did very good!)

My brother is feeling better though he feels a little weak and still has a cough. My sister... is in the living room chatting with her boyfriend.... typical Molly...
Everyone seems to have this kind of flu or knows someone who has it. I think it's a variation of the A H1N1 virus, equally infectious but not as strong as the actual virus is... I hope.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

blog slacker!

I have been such a slacker this past few weeks!
I'm supposed to post at least a picture or comment now and then right?
Anyway, it has been a little busy at school but I think I am handling it pretty well (I hope I am guessing right!). Lab this week went well, not great but well, it's my groups luck that we keep getting the harsh drs! I think I did a very good impression this past week! :)

So... what's going on 'round here?
We finally have my mom's car back! It took almost 3 weeks to fix it, the mechanic told my mom the car had a brand new engine, with all new pieces... hope it's true... having to stay home for more than 3 days straight is not fun. and I missed my Abuelita Mary (my granny) soooo much! It's an almost everyday thing to visit her... anyway.. so far so good

P.S. This post has been saved as a draft about 5 times now so I am posting it even when it doesn't have one interesting fact! lol I do have some interesting post to come though... so stay tuned!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

They finally got the dresses!

Remember the pretty dress we sent for my baby girl a few weeks ago?!
They finally got them! I was seriously starting to think they would never get them but I guess our mail does work! ... kind of in slow motion but works!
Her mommy sent us some super cute pics of Angie holding her dress with a huge smile on her face!
And in one of the videos she says "Thank you.... pretty dress.... love you.... byebye!"
She can melt my heart every time!

Oh and I did great on my lab today! Wohoo! I was kind of worried about that because about midnight my eyes started to hurt so I decided to take "a half an hour nap" that lasted until 5am!! LOL
I should have learned by now that those naps never work... well hardly ever work.

School officially started today for everyone, I never had any vacation except for the official holidays. Swine flu is still around there, still spreading but it doesn't seem to be a priority.
No news in the Rosenberg thing, the CICIG is working on it despite every obstacle.
